Short CV
- Since 09/24 Tenure track assistant professor (Maître de conférences) within the chair ASC at RST, Télécom SudParis and NeSS, SAMOVAR, Evry
- 09/22 - 09-24 Assistant professor Automata and Applications, LRE, EPITA, Le Kremlin-Bicetre
- 09/19 - 09/22 Post-Doc position within the ANR TickTac at the Automata group LRDE, EPITA, Le Kremlin-Bicetre
- 09/18 - 09/19 ATER Sorbonne University and ISIR, Paris
- 09/15 - 09/18 PhD position at ISIR (UPMC/Sorbonne University, Paris): Contributions to robotic control design with formal safety and stability guarantees
- 09/13 - 08/15 M.Sc. in Robotics and Complex Systems, UPMC, Paris
Research Interests
I'm interested in a broad variety of subjects summed up as “Using formal methods for verification and control”. Here a non-exhaustive list of things that fall in this category:
linear temporal logic, ω-automata, higher dimensional automata, model checking, reactive controller synthesis, timed automata, dynamical systems, hybrid systems, regions of attractions, proofs of stability, SAT, SMT, path and task planning, convex optimization, guiding AI approaches
I'm also very much “a tool guy”, meaning I’m mostly interested in approaches/algorithms which I can also implement (python or, preferably, C++). I also contribute to spot.
For a list of my publications see here (google) or here (dblp).
People I work / worked with in no particular order (Sorry if I forgot someone, do not hesitate to send me a strongly worded email about it…).
Nicolas Perrin-Gilbert, Alexandre Duret-Lutz, Vincent Padois, Nicolas Markey, Patricia Bouyer, Pauline Maurice, Florian Renkin, Adrien Pommellet, Sven Dziadek, Uli Fahrenberg, Julien Perez
Selection of courses I’m currently or was at some point teaching:
CS subjects
- C++ (Atelier C++ Ing 1, C++ electif Ing 1)
- THLR, Théorie des langages rationnels (TD/TP Spe, CM/TD/TP for RCS)
- CPXA, Complexité des algorithmes (TD Ing1)
- duction aux théorie des graphes (RCS)Intro
- THEG, Théorie des Graphes (CM/TP Bachelor Cyber)
- CAMA, Calcul Matricielle (TP Ing1)
- MOD1/MOD2, Modélisation (TD Ing1)
- Corps rigides - statique et dynamique (TD L2)
- Romarin, un véhicule téléguidé sous-marin (Projet L3)
- Systèmes robotiques (TP L3)
Open Positions
Master internships
- Applications for Higher Dimensional Automata: full description
- Energy Problems for ω-automata: full description
If you are interested in working with me on some particular subject related to my research that is not listed here, feel free to contact me!
A list of current and past people I supervised or co-supervised.When | Who | How | That |
Since 24 | Rania Saadi | LRE Par. Recherche | Problème d'énergie sur des ω-aut. |
Since 24 | Rémy Le-Bohec | LRE Par. Recherche | Traduction formules LTLf dans Spot |
24 | Quentin Rataud | LRE Par. Recherche | Résolution des yeux dans Spot |
23 | Rania Saadi | Stage d’été 2m | Extr. des traces pour des ω-aut. pondères |
22-24 | Rostan Trabet | LRE Par. Recherche | Synthèse réactif pour des sys. contrôlé |
21 | E. de Gentile Duquesne | LRDE Stage Ing1 5m | Interfacer Spot, ROS & Gazebo |
19 | Xiao Xie | ISIR Stage M1 4m | Tech. de Lyapunov pour les sys. dyn. |